Thursday, December 18, 2008
Temple Square
Posted by Lauri at 9:32 AM 14 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
True Words of Wisdom
Children are like sponges.
They absorb your knowledge
they sap your strength
they soak up your resources
and drain your energy-
but with one big squeeze
they give it all back.
I thought, how true! Emma has been going through a little bit of a naughty phase where she talks back and throws major tantrums. It has been really hard, partly because I feel responsible. She is going through so many changes, and big changes at that. How could she not act out? I think the whole bed rest thing was just as hard for her if not harder than it was for me. The hardest part for me was actually seeing Emma suffer in her own way, and knowing I was the cause of it, even if it wasn't my fault. But amidst all the tantrums, the yelling, and the naughtiness, there are times when she will come give me a hug or a kiss for no reason and without me asking her for one. Or she will tell me she loves me with no prompting at all. Then there was the time that I was discouraged to tears, and she went into the bathroom, grabbed a "wash" (toilet paper), and came over to me and wiped my tears away. Its times like these that make me forget how naughty she can be. Its times like these that make all the heartaches of being a mother totally worth it.
Posted by Lauri at 10:41 PM 13 comments
It really is real!
Posted by Lauri at 10:19 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I really need to get some pictures up, this blog is getting a little boring. Anyway. I went to the doctor today and what she said was music to my ears-"You can resume all normal activity." I'm dilated to a 2 and about 70% effaced. Ideally they would like me to make it to 36 weeks, but I don't think they would be too alarmed if she came before then. And if by chance I made it to 38 weeks, she told me they would just induce me at that point. So either way you look at it, this baby is coming before Christmas! Yay! I think this was music to my mom's ears as well since she's been doing all my laundry, and taking care of Emma. I never thought I would be excited to do my own laundry, but what do you know? Now its a waiting game!
Posted by Lauri at 9:39 PM 10 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I went to the doctor yesterday, and the outlook is positive. My cervix hasn't changed since last week, which is good. I am dilated to a 1 and about 60% effaced. But from what I understand you can be that way for weeks. So, I still have to really limit my activity, but I can at least go out occasionally, which is so nice. Once I hit 36 weeks I can do whatever I want. No more bed rest at all. So at least there is an end in sight, granted I make it that far. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. And those of you who have offered to help with Emma, you better be careful, because I may just take you up on that! She's probably about as stir crazy as I am! And thank you to my mom who has been so wonderful and selfless! Its times like these when you realize how wonderful family is. All of our family has been so supportive and thoughtful. All I know is I've learned not to take the simple things for granted. What I wouldn't give to be able to pick my daughter up, or to give her a bath, or to dance with her to "Honey, Honey". It will all be worth it in the end. As slow as time seems to be going, I know that before I know it this will all be over. Until then I will bear this burden with patience and try to look on the bright side- I'm getting a ton of projects done!
Posted by Lauri at 11:21 AM 12 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I'm not ready!
It's starting to look like our new addition is a little anxious to come just like her sister was. I've been participating in a pre-term labor study and went in for a routine exam on Thursday. They didn't like what they saw and I ended up spending the night in the hospital so they could monitor me and the baby. I don't know that I understand really well what's going on. I'm not dialated, but my cervix is about an inch shorter than it should be at 31 weeks, which I think is effacement. Maybe you delivery nurses could help me out! They gave me steroid shots in the case she does come early, and sent me home the next day with orders of bed rest for the next two weeks at least. They couldn't really give me any sort of time frame. So now its a waiting game. And I am so not ready! We are still finishing our house. Most of our baby stuff is in storage. I'm supposed to stay in bed, which is really very hard! Especially with an active 2 year old! I feel for all of you who have had to go through the same thing! I'm just grateful its only 2 weeks ! I hope I can at least make it to 34 weeks. Emma was born at 35 weeks and was fine even without any steroids. Wish me luck! We'll keep you updated!
Posted by Lauri at 3:36 PM 19 comments
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Posted by Lauri at 3:21 PM 7 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
4-4-4 tag
Posted by Lauri at 5:21 PM 4 comments
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Lauri at 4:28 PM 11 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Carving pumpkins
Posted by Lauri at 4:06 PM 8 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Cupcake Party
Posted by Lauri at 3:18 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Posted by Lauri at 4:42 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Its Fall Y'all
Posted by Lauri at 10:45 PM 12 comments