Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Survey Post....you answer

Katie did this on her blog, and I thought it was fun. So now I am copying her and doing it on here. The questions are numbered. Put your answers in the comment box. I'll let you know the real answers in about a week!

1. Where did we meet?

2. Take a stab at my middle name?

3. What color are my eyes?

4. Do I have any siblings?

5. What's one of my favorite things to do?

6. What's my favorite type of music?

7. Am I shy or outgoing?

8. Am I a rebel, or do I follow the rules?

9. Do I have any special talents?

10. How many kids do I have?

11. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing I would bring?


The Barron's said...

Okay, but you realize because I am responding to this first that everyone else has an advantage at seeing my post so if they do better... it's because I helped them... :) ha ha.. Okay...
1. In Jr High
2.You don't have one (unless you count your maiden name as your middle)
3.Green but also blue, I think they change with what you wear.
4.Yes (2 Bro 1 sis)
5. Singing
6.A mixture of kinds.. not sure of your absolute favorite
7.Both depends on the situation but when with friends... outgoing.
8.Rule follower (it's okay... me too)
9.Yes, Piano, singing... etc.
11.I don't know a boat so we weren't stranded.. your smart like that. :)

PrincessKatie said...

1. When we were babies and didn't even know each other!
2. Do you use Noss or still just no middle name?
3. Green
4. Yes you do!
5. Shopping period, but mostly at Target and spending time with Tyler and Emma
6. Any song that Tyler sings (AWWWWWWWWWW how sweet)
7. Outgoing
8. Follow the rules all the way.
9. You are talented with any kind of music. you are good at doing crafts. And of coure you are the best at SHOPPING and cleaning kids nasty teeth! LOL
10. one litlte girl unless Tyler is your big kid!
11. If tyler was with us definately dunford donuts and diet dr. pepper. If it was just me and you Chick Fil a!

Jenni said...

1. I believe we met because of Madrigals . . .
2. I think you are like me and had no middle name, except for maiden name now.
3. Hazel?
4. I remember one brother and I think you have a sister too.
5. Sing, get your back scratched :), spend time with family
6. Anything you can sing along to.
7. At first shy but then when you get to know someone or get warmed up you are more outgoing.
8. You follow the rules
9. Singing definately, making people feel at ease and good about themselves, kindness you are one of those sincerely kind people.
10. One little girl
11. A cell phone . . . to call for Tyler to come pick us up.

Been a long time, hope I wasn't too far off them!!

Tyler said...

Oh Ya! I know all of these!!

1. A Bar
2. Cory
3. Turquoise
4. 2 Bros 3 Sistas
5. Fold Clothes
6. Hip Hop/ Easy Listening
7. Smart
8. Breaker!
9. You are an amazing hula-hooper
10. 2
11. Some water

The Barron's said...

I am such a goof with this comment thing... always messing up... I was signed into William's email address when I posted last... sorry.. It's me.. angela

Julie said...

Hey Lauri...it's Julie Pack! I found your blog from "Chunky Monkey's" blog and am so happy to have found it! You can check out mine to see my family! Your little Emma is adorable and I can't believe she's going to be 2 soon! CUTE FAM!!!

Tyler said...

K- I guess I was way off! I got it this time.

1. Mr. Cortez's 8th grade science class. you walked in and I said "Man, I have got to get to know that girl"
2. No middle name
3. Green! The most beautiful green I have ever seen.
4. 2 Brothers, 1 Brotha-in-law, 1 sista, 3 Sisters-in-law
5. Shopping. No question!
6. Showtunes (High School Musical, Hairspray, Wicked), and Country
7. Shy when someone is intimidating, but outgoing when you are comfortable.
8. Rules
9. Music, shopping, scrapbooking, but "Above All" the world's greatest mother!
10. One and One on the way!
11. If it were us you would want Emma with us! Also is possible, access to the Gymboree, Old Navy, and American Eagle websites!

The Barron's said...

In response to Tyler's answer to question 10... with the right answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have you number (new cell and I lost my numbers) or I would call you...
Call me!!!!

Anonymous said...

ONE ON THE WAY... Is this right? Yeah for you!! I am so happy... Hey... Angie... who is 28 weeks... wants to get together with you and I and Becky soon so... when do you want to do it! I really want to see you guys!

PrincessKatie said...

OH GOSH LAURI IF youy are prengant and didn't tell me I am not goign to be your friend anymore! LOL YOu better call me.

Anonymous said...

1. Jr. High
2. You don't have one.
3. Green
4. Yes, 2 bros and 1 sister
5. shop
6. you like lots of different music, right?
7. depends on the situation
8. Rules
9. Many!
10. 1
11. ME!
ok...so maybe tyler. But if you bring tyler, you have to bring emma...and that's two things.