Friday, April 3, 2009


Tonight we went bowling. I bowled the best game I have in a long time. I even had 2 strikes in a row! But..........

................................... Emma still beat me!


Anonymous said...

Hehe! :) That's pretty much the coolest thing ever. Not going to lie. :) I love you!

Amie said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Go Emma! Next time you should use the bumpers too and then you will be at the same level!! Funny!!

Rasmussen Forever said...

Kids are amazing! My son always beats me in bowling, so I never go with them anymore. Ha! Way to go Emma!

Linsey Jackson said...

haha that's funny.. don't feel bad! i can't bowl either, you'd probably beat me!!

lauri! you need to get a facebook.. :D